Who We Are

Sandra Mikhail
Founder & Director of Nutrition A-Z

"The Gut Health Dietitian making poo talk salon-chic"

Sandra Mikhail is an internationally-known accredited practising dietitian, author and the founder and director of Nutrition A-Z. She holds a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics(Monash University, Australia), a Master of Advanced Studies in Nutrition and Health (ETHZ) and is a member of Dietitians Australia. She also holds a Sports Nutrition Diploma by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Being a globe-trotting dietitian, she has extensive experience in clinical practice, nutrition consulting and health promotion, working in Australia, the UAE and Switzerland.

Her main areas of specialty are digestive disease, sports nutrition, eating disorders and corporate health working with popular brands and partners such as the Swiss football club FCZ, She's Mercedes,Johnson & Johnson, Thomson Reuters and Adobe to name a few. As a mental health advocate, her workshops and articles on stress and nutrition have gained popularity internationally where she was personally invited by Arianna Huffington to contribute to her global platform Thrive and has appeared on CNN to talk about nutrition and stress in the workplace. Sandra is also the author of "The Gut Chronicles", which is now available worldwide as well as the co-host of the podcast The Gastroenterologist and His Daughter.

Areas of expertise: Gut health and digestive disease / The Female Gut / Food allergies and intolerance / Sports nutrition / Eating disorders

Languages: English, Arabic, Conversational German and French

For speaking and media enquiries, please contact katie@readmaxwell.co.uk

Our Health and Medical Network
Keeping to our highest standards of care, we have partnered up and work closely with renown doctors, specialists and therapists that cater to your health with an integrative approach in Switzerland and in the UAE.
  • Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Vavricka
    Specialist Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist
    Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie FMH Spez. Hepatologie
  • Dr. med. Martin Wilhelmi
    Specialist Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist
    Facharzt FMH für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie
  • Dr. med. Roger Wanner
    Specialist Gastroenterologist and Internist
    Facharzt für Gastroenterologie FMH, Facharzt Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH & DGVS Zertifikat Ernährungsmedizin in der Gastroenterologie
  • Dr. med. Tina Bernardi
    FMH Gynaecology and Obstetrics
    FMH Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
  • Dr. Wagdy Mikhail
    Specialist Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist (Dubai, UAE)
  • Dr. Scott (Matthew)  Watson
    Specialist in general internal medicine
  • Katharina Gundermann
    Women's health physiotherapist & personal Trainer
  • Lea Nydegger - Founder of ent-spannt
    Medical massage & Relaxation Therapies
  • Alex Phillips - Founder of ALPS Pilates
    An inclusive space to teach you how to safely move in as many ways as possible
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