1:1 Nutritional Management
Initial consult / 60 minute session
Book an appointment with one of our experts from anywhere in the world for online consults or in-person sessions if you are based in Zurich, Switzerland.
An initial consult is a one-off 60-minute session that involves discussing your current
dietary habits including your health history and lifestyle patterns using assessment forms we will provide you via email prior to the session. At the consult, we will discuss all relevant issues and address your personal goals and expectations. We will then go through your plan of action and what that would include should you be happy for us to continue working together. Your tailored nutrition guide including any education material will then be prepared and provided to you at your next consult. What should you expect?

• Discussing your health history, dietary and lifestyle patterns including issues to be addressed and personal goals
• Receiving an outline of goals and what your action plan will entail
• Dietary handouts and information will be provided as needed
• Follow up to be organised upon request

Follow up consults can then take place as 60 minute or 30 minute sessions as required.
Follow up consult / 30 minute session
Regular follow ups take place every 2 -3 weeks where we will discuss your progress and any challenges you may have encountered since your initial consult. We can always reassess your goals and set new ones and any follow up nutrition education will be provided as required. What should you expect?

• Revision of progress and discussing your challenges
• Follow up nutrition education as required

Follow up consults can either take place as 30, 45 or 60 minute sessions.
Given that continuous support and motivation are key to success, packages are also offered consisting of several sessions to assist you with your journey. Packages are suitable for those seeking ongoing nutritional management for conditions such as digestive problems, food intolerances, weight loss and improving sports performance. Can your package be tailored? Yes! We could put a package together that would work for you, so simply get in touch.

Do you need a personalized package?
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